Mission: Christ, Calling, Connectorship

We live in an age of mistrust and overwhelm. Trust in institutions and media is at an all-time low. And at least in the global west, biblical literacy (and therefore wisdom for living) is at an all-time low, too.

Further, it’s a weird cultural moment where science and technology appear to promise solutions to life’s greatest problems. Yet rather than producing more wisdom and well-being, everywhere we turn we find greater levels of loneliness, polarization, disengagement in the workplace, and even what sociologists call “deaths of despair.”

People are more disconnected than ever.

So what’s the answer? It’s not a podcast.

It’s the Gospel — the announcement of good news that Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection have brought about salvation for the world. It is first God’s story, which makes it your story and the story of every person of every culture and background.

Our mission is helping every person possible come into life in Jesus and grow spiritually in head, heart, and hand. Our shorthand is “Christ, calling, connectorship” (based on Romans 12).


Jesus said, “Follow me.” It’s both an invitation and command.

The good news is that if Jesus rose from the dead, the truthfulness of the Christian worldview and reliability of the Bible follow.

Our true, spiritual, “practicing the presence of God” worship is — or should be! — a response of utter gratitude to God’s abundant mercies.

It’s why, as a foundation, we read the Bible — conversationally and together. Because the whole thing points to Jesus.


Regardless of whether you call it being a follower, apprentice, disciple, or “Jesus freak,” God makes it clear that we are called to have our material lives transformed by our spiritual lives.

Following Jesus as Lord and Savior is often referred to as “The Way” — growing in this new spiritual life by bringing our unique spiritual gifts to a new spiritual family, and learning together to practice “The Way” (our newest podcast segment).


Jesus commissioned all followers to be Spirit-empowered ambassadors to the world. So how exactly do we do that?

“Connectorship” is the principles, practices, art and skill of relational spirituality. It’s knowing your calling and spiritual gifting plus the willingness to say “yes!” to Jesus. It’s meeting people where they’re at with the intention living life in a way that moves them one notch closer to Jesus (whether they confess Him as Lord and Savior or not).

Put another way, connectorship is “a ministry of showing up,” — always being ready to give an answer in walk or words for the hope (get it?!?) that we have.