Roger Courville, MA, CSP

I’m a good husband, bad guitarist, dad of three grown children, curious to a fault. I’m nuts about helping people fall in love with Jesus and His kingdom. My preference is dialogue vs monologue, but I’ll just have to pretend you just asked about me:

  • I’m a spirit farmer and teacher. How much of each depends on whether the context is listening or talking. I’d like to think I do both reasonably well, but I’m imagine I fail as much as I succeed.

  • I’m a hopelessly curious lifelong learner. I’m currently working on my Doctorate in Ministry (in spiritual formation) at Denver Seminary; my doctoral thesis is on “conversation as spiritual formation.”

  • I’m an interdisciplinary dot-connector: connecting people to God, people to people, people to ideas, temporal to eternal, present to history and future.

Perhaps most importantly, after being a disciple of Jesus, I’m Kristine’s taco chef

Philosophy of Ministry

Jesus meets you where you’re at, but He’s not content to leave you where you’re at. His mission is my mission. With those outside the church, the goal is Jesus. With those inside the church, the goal is more Jesus. It’s relational, not transactional. It connects principle and practice in head, heart, and hands.

As regards the podcast, you can go anywhere and hear a great voice, but “reading through the Bible together” means doing it like we would together — making transitional comments, leaving in “keepin’ it real” moments, answering real listener questions, and prayer. We do it every single day because we need spiritual food daily.

Too, in any given month I also serve guys in addiction recovery at Union Gospel Mission preaching, teaching, and mentoring, play on the worship team at church, meet people old and new for spiritual conversation, work on the next book, make guest appearances, and generally be pastoral to a hurting world.

CV Highlights | Do you know a church or ministry in need?

Kristine and I are currently praying about where God would have us serve next — and we’re happy to have that be anywhere in the world.

Highlights that might help you refer me appropriately are the following passions:

  • Integrated life: Head and heart — Master’s in Apologetics, 1/2 way through my DMin in Spiritual Formation; Sunday and Monday — workplace ministry, community outreach and formation

  • Wiring: Strengthsfinder — Ideation, Input, Strategic, Connectedness, Communication, Futuristic, Learner, Activator; Core Values Index — Innovator Merchant

  • Topical strengths: Communication and connectedness in a digitally-extended life; worldview formation/answering the big questions of life; spiritual gifts/calling; relational spirituality; psychometric inventories

  • Coaching/mentoring/discipleship, certifications include: Leadership (John Maxwell Team); Core Values Index; Relational Spirituality (Spiritual Transformation Inventory) (in progress)

Keywords for my next role include:

  • Role: Associate pastor or pastor under a strong group of elders, pastoral care, spiritual formation/discipleship, small groups, curriculum development, teaching/facilitation, preaching/teaching, community engagement.

And do you know how some sports teams or bands start with a role but then build on the unique strengths of each member they have (versus trying to squeeze someone into a generic job description)?

I’ll thrive best on that kind of team.