Psych! I’m not asking you for money.

Most of you know I do waaay more ministry than a podcast, and many have asked how to support the ministry. My first answer, of course, is always, “Prayer!”

Seriously, I value nothing more highly.

My second answer is, “Suggestions and questions.” Send me suggestions on how to improve; send my questions I can help with privately.

Finally, many of you do send money, sometimes one-time checks and a few with regular PayPal or Venmo contributions. Thank you. These do not yet offset hard costs such as hosting for the podcast or the books I give away or the mentoring lunches I buy or… or… or…, so each mite is mighty in impact.

Please know this:

Regardless of how you help, know that YOU an answer to someone’s prayer…at very least mine. I’m not kidding. It’s an honor to humbly serve you. Thank you for your support.

May it all be for the glory of our great and gracious king Jesus.